Legal notice
Website content:
The information contained on the website is strictly informative, SEED-Energy reserves the right to modify its content.The content of the website (text, images, sounds, graphics, downloadable documents...) is the exclusive property of SEED-Energy.
News content is non-contractual and provided for information purposes.
The entire website is subject to French and international copyright and intellectual property legislation. Any use or reproduction, total or partial, of the website constitutes a counterfeit sanctioned by the Intellectual Property Code.
Website edition:
SIREN / SIRET : 83134471800018
Legal representative:
Monsieur GUINOTDesign :
SAS ICESI220 rte du matin,
26210 Saint Sorlin en Valloire
Site internet
Website hosting :
1and1 IONOS7 place de la Gare
57200 Sarraguemines
Terms of service:
This site is offered in HTML5 and CSS3 languages, for a better user comfort and a more pleasant graphics, we recommend you to use modern browsers like Safari, Firefox, Chrome,...Cookies
For statistical and display purposes, this website uses cookies. These are small text files stored on your hard drive in order to save technical data on your browsing. Some parts of this website cannot be functional without the acceptance of cookies.General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The website complies with the GDPR regulations that came into force on 25 May 2018.We inform users of this website and our customers that the data is collected either to improve the user experience or to allow for request tracking or customer account management.
Personal data are those indicated in the contact form and are kept for the final customer for the purpose of responding to requests.
Browsing data: browser, operating system, type of support, country or location, IP address are stored by Google Analytics for global statistics.
As such, we inform you that your personal data has never been and will never be provided to third parties.
All treatments and programs are managed internally and no subcontractors are involved in our processes. We do not use any third-party "program" in our treatments.
Unavailability of the website
SEED-Energy is committed to make its best efforts to ensure that users have access to the website at all times. SEED-Energy cannot be held responsible, in the event of unavailability of the website, for any reason whatsoever.Responsibility
SEED-Energy does not guarantee that the website will be free from error or omission and does not guarantee the accuracy or veracity of the information, texts, images and any other element present on the website. This information does not in any way engage SEED-Energy's responsibility for the real or supposed quality of the information and services advertised on the website.SEED-Energy cannot be held liable for damages linked to the use of information, products or services advertised or presented on the website.
SEED-Energy reserves the right to modify or delete the services offered through the website at any time without informing users of the website.