Want to evaluate new Hydrogen systems?

The field of applications of Hydrogen technologies is vast. To cover them, SEED-Energy has developed a large library of system architectures to be used with ODYSSEY and in which Hydrogen falls within a complete energy system.
We propose to sweep some of them here.
1. Multi-sites and multi-use hydrogen system
This system is composed of a production site, a remote bi-pressure hydrogen refueling station (350 and 700 bars) and a remote industrial site (e.g., a steel plant, a chemical plant, etc.). The hydrogen refueling of the station and the industrial site from the production site is done by tube trailers.
The purpose of using ODYSSEY is to evaluate the technical and economic interest of producing hydrogen by electrolysis from renewable sources (photovoltaic power plant, wind farm and/or hydraulic turbines cluster) and/or the national electrical grid for:
- Low-carbon mobility
- Industrial uses
- The valorization of the heat produced by the electrolyzer to supply a thermal load
- The production of electricity by a fuel cell to power a local electrical load
2. Valorization of the renewable production to produce Hydrogen and Oxygen
The purpose of using ODYSSEY is to evaluate the technical and economic interest of valorizing the production of a photovoltaic power plant for:
- Electrical self-consumption
- The production of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) by electrolysis
- Injection of the surplus of the renewable production into the electrical grid
- The use of the gases produced are as follows:
- Carbon-free mobility (H2)
- Industrial uses (H2 and O2)
- Injection into an oxygen network (O2)
3. Towards the energy autonomy of buildings
The purpose of using the ODYSSEY is to evaluate the technical and economic interest of hydrogen technologies to store renewable energy to be then used in cogeneration (production of electricity and heat) for energy autonomy for buildings. The system is composed of a photovoltaic power plant, an electrical storage (batteries), a complete hydrogen chain (electrolysis, storage, fuel cell), a heat pump and a thermal storage.
The hydrogen is mainly produced and stored during spring and summer and then used to produce electricity with a fuel cell during winter to balance with the PV array production and limit the extraction from the national electrical grid. The heat produced by the fuel cell is used to complete the heat produced by the heat pump and is injected into the heating network of the buildings.
4. Use of a cascade of high-pressure hydrogen storages for mobility and injection of hydrogen into the natural gas grid and/or dedicated pipeline
The key elements of this architecture are on the one hand, to use the cascade of 4 high-pressure hydrogen storages for each of the 3 refueling stations to minimize the energy cost of compression and, on the other hand, to have the capacity to inject hydrogen into either a dedicated pipeline or the natural gas grid. According to the regulation of each country, a maximum injection mass flow rate can be set to control the maximum content of hydrogen in the natural gas network.
You couldn't find the architecture that suits your needs, no worries, we will build it for you!
For more information contact SEED-Energy on +33 6 95 33 50 58 or by email: contact@seed-energy.fr
We support you in your hydrogen projects!